Links and lists

Follow these links for further opportunities to learn about biodiversity: 

The South African Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) has a wealth of information easily accessible at SANBI biodiversity resources (downloads, info bases and atlases) - includes iSpot and other valuable resources.

Other useful sites are:
Ants of the Western Cape
BotSoc projects and activities
City of Cape Town Environmental Resources 
Department of Basic Education - download the CAPS curriculum for Life Sciences.
Schoolyards as habitats
Science and plants for schools
ScienceDaily is a great source of the latest international research news.
WESSA schools programmes

Uhone Mutheiwana, environmental education intern, WESSA Eco-Schools.

Essential reading list

The Story of Life and the Environment: An African Perspective by Jo van As, Johann du Preez, Leslie Brown and Nico Smit (Struik Nature).
Table Mountain: A Natural History by Anton Pauw and Steven Johnson (Fernwood Press).
Demons in Eden: The Paradox of Plant Diversity by Jonathan Silvertown (University of Chicago Press).
The Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature in a Post-Wild World by Emma Marris (Bloomsbury).
The Emerald Planet: How plants changed Earth's history by David Beerling (Oxford University Press).
The God Species: How the Planet can survive the Age of Humans by Mark Lynas (Fourth Estate).