What’s the Buzz? South Africa’s indigenous honeybees

Cape Honeybee on Trachyandra falcata Nieuwoudtville. Photo: John Manning.
The Veld & Flora centrefold factsheet in the March 2014 issue covers the topics Being a honeybee, Habitat and forage, Life cycle and answers the question Are South Africa’s honeybees in trouble?

Download the factsheet here

These related articles, some of them mentioned in the factsheet, can be downloaded by clicking on their titles. 

Honey Bee forage plants: How can you help? by Mbulelo Mswasi and Carol Poole, Veld & Flora 101(2), p. 82-83, June 2015.
Comb honey for breakfast by David Donald, Veld & Flora 98(4), p. 170, December
Crop agriculture, pollination and honeybees by Carol Poole in Veld & Flora 97(3), p. 122, September 2011  
A world without bees by B. Walsh in Time, 19 August 2013.
Poster by SANBI.
SANBI Animal of the Week: Cape Honeybee by Carol Poole and Mbulelo Mswazi.

There are many other kinds of bees in South Africa that also provide important pollination services. Many of our solitary bees are active for only a few weeks of the year and every season has its own fauna, while honeybees are active all year round. Read the article
More than just honey:Solitary bees and pollination in the SouthAfrican winter rainfall area by Michael Kuhlmann in Veld & Flora 96(3), pp. 120-121, September 2010.